King Bee is an Award-Winning Animation & Production Company based in the icon Elstree Studios. We produce animations for brands, music videos, animated series, education and much more. Feel free to call us on 03332470377 or email us:

Zhaojiabang – “La Patience”


King Bee has a passion for telling stories through animated music videos that are, moving, deep and full of surprises. Jerome, frontman of the Chinese band Zhaojiabang had a very clear vision for the story and King Bee’s art director Siobhan Mckenna worked closely with Jerome to translate the vision to a reality with an in-depth storyboarding and collaborative process. After 2 weeks of the song’s release on Chinese social media, the music video reached 3 million views! The following review example review and the fact that the video has gone viral in China is a great case study for a shining example of the wonderful results King Bee achieves in Animated Music Video production.


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